✍️ Written by: Matt Bernard | 1 day ago | Tech Gadgets
Everyone who’s experienced a sudden house fire will tell you that it’s a nightmare.
Even worse, the nightmare doesn’t end when the fire is out. There are insurance reports to fill out, and headaches to struggle through when trying to replace valuable possessions and documents–if they can be replaced. Most tragically of all, there’s the possible worry of finding a new place to stay, after the loss of your home.
To prevent this disaster, you could possibly spend hundreds to protect your home with fire extinguishers. And then be constantly worried if you can remember the instructions and fire types when the time comes. Studies show that 83% of Americans don’t know how to use extinguishers.
You can rely on a pan lid if it’s a stove fire. But not many are comfortable with the burn risk.
You can keep some baking soda nearby to stop a fire. But it has two big limitations:
Depending on the size of the fire, it can be slow to put it out.
It can take a LOT of baking soda, which many people don’t have.
There’s got to be a better way, right?
You’ve already lived for years without experiencing a fire, what’s a few more, right?
Now…what if there was a reliable, easy way to extinguish a growing fire in your home before it gets out of control, giving you much-needed peace-of-mind?
You see, each year there are more than 350,000 house fires, and they account for nearly 3,000 deaths. Sadly, experts say a large number of those fires can be prevented.
So what if you could find a product for your family that extinguishes a fire so quickly and safely that literally anyone in the home can stop a fire before it turns into a tragedy?
That’s where the Emergency Fire Blanket comes in…
The Emergency Fire Blanket is the fastest, easiest way to put out common fires.
Without making a huge mess in the house, or dropping a ton of cash on heavy fire extinguishers.
Just imagine…suffocating that troublesome grease fire with the Emergency Fire Blanket as soon as it grows out of control.
Very quickly, the fire is absolutely, completely out. And the best thing, besides your family’s safety? You don’t have to worry about filling your home with harmful, even cancer-causing, chemicals, because the Emergency Fire Blanket doesn’t use any. Not at all. And the blanket helps protect you from the flames as you put them out of your misery.
These blankets have been difficult to keep in stock due to increased popularity.
We highly recommend that you check if there are still some available before they get put on back order again.
The secret behind the Emergency Fire Blanket is its safe, super-efficient, fire-starvation formula.
What do you think fire extinguishers’ main function is in stopping fires?
Well, besides obviously, a fuel source, what is the one thing that a fire must have in order to thrive, grow and create havoc?
That’s right…
It needs oxygen. The Emergency Fire Blanket's special fiberglass-based lining covers the fire and separates it from its needed oxygen supply, snuffing it out completely, and it does this as quickly and effectively as nearly every other home firefighting product on the market.
All you have to do to protect your family and your home from a fire emergency is:
Keep the Emergency Fire Blanket mounted on a kitchen wall, in a cupboard or a garage, or near a barbecue or a campsite…wherever a fire might occur.
If a fire happens to break out, simply cover the fire with the Emergency Fire Blanket. Very soon, the fire is extinguished. That’s it.
You’ve successfully protected your home from a possibly life-threatening disaster. Quickly, and without dangerous chemicals, or a burn risk, or a huge mess. Congratulations!
Then, sit back and feel confident and in control of your home’s safety!
The Emergency Fire Blanket works on grease, electrical, wood, paper and other common fires.
Here’s just some of the impressive feedback we’ve gotten about the Emergency Fire Blanket from happy customers:
"I recently checked the gauges on my old fire extinguishers. Some, I couldn't even pickup because of the weight. I'm 72 years and needed a proactive way to prepare for a fire, God forbid. This ad for the cloth method of putting out any type of fire caught my eye. Perfect for any home to be prepared and it can be use at any age. I purchased mine and even purchased extras for my cooking areas and even have one in my car. Best part? This is a perfect housewarming gift! Perfect!"
David T. - Austin
"I hope I never have to use these but I do feel safer with them handy. I bought 2 for my son's home too. They have sprinklers but if those go off there would be water damage. Better to get any small fire put out before that happens."
Melissa D. - New York
A member of our passionate community of supporters also reported:
It was the worst Saturday morning ever.
I’m not usually one to have toast with my breakfast. I was always more of a pancake guy. But my son on this particular day had to have toast along with his cereal and bacon.
The toaster that we had hadn’t been used in a couple years, and I foolishly didn’t bother to check it for crumbs or debris that might have settled in it.
Big mistake. While my son was watching TV, and I was in the bathroom shaving and getting ready for a big Saturday outing, I started to smell something, and heard loud crackling from the kitchen.
I flew to the kitchen and saw the toaster and half the counter engulfed in flames. At first I just stood there, stunned, thinking the house would soon be lost. Until I remembered having the Emergency Fire Blanket.
I got it from under the cupboard, pulled it out of its case in seconds, and covered the fire. Didn’t get burned. Just some minor damage to the countertop. My son didn’t even realize what happened, but needless to say, he didn’t get his toast that morning.
If we hadn’t had the fire blanket, I would have had a much more horrible story to tell. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have this blanket around for emergencies.
Bottom line: If you’re tired of living with the possibility of a fire without reliable protection…and if you want to keep your home and family safe from a tragic fire emergency… you should get the Emergency Fire Blanket!
The Emergency Fire Blanket is only available online and can’t be found in stores.
Now that you know about the amazing power of this life-changing, life-saving product, here is how you can get it for your own home:
Go here and order the Emergency Fire Blanket from the official website
Enjoy your days at home, confident that your family can tackle a fire emergency
UPDATE: Currently, the Emergency Fire Blanket is offering large discounts when ordering multiples. If you want to check if it is still active & inventory is in stock, click here or the button below>>>
Matt Bernard, a seasoned tech expert from Texas, is your trusted source for insightful technology reviews. With a discerning eye and a knack for dissecting gadgets, Matt delivers concise, no-nonsense assessments that help you make informed tech choices. Stay tuned for the latest trends, comparisons, and pro tips from this Down Under tech guru!
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